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    Hydrate for Health

    Have you ever eaten foods like potato chips, movie popcorn, and fast foods only to find your fingers and face puffy the day after?  We’ve...

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    Clean, Organic Wines at Suzanne’s

    For thousands of years, Italians have said “Festeggia il Vino!” which means “Celebrate the Wine!”  Even the ancient Egyptians saved wine for royalty, leaving ordinary...

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    Dry Brushing

    Dry Brushing is the New (and old) Trend for Self-Care If you follow social media, you have undoubtedly heard of dry brushing. It is everywhere...

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    Natural Pest Repellants

    Bzzzzzzzz… that pesky buzzing sound in our ear lets us know that we will soon be a meal for a hungry mosquito.  With all the...

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